articles, Popular Articles, Data sets
Peer-reviewed articles
Listed below are peer-reviewed publications on marine heatwaves by the working group authors.
Richaud, B., X. Hu, S. Darmaraki, K. Fennel, Y. Lu and E. C. J. Oliver, Drivers of marine heatwaves in the Arctic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 129, e2023JC020324, doi: 10.1029/2023JC020324.
Brown, M. V., M. Ostrwoski, L. F. Messer, A. Bramucci, J. v. d. Kamp, M. C. Smith, A. Bissett, J. Seymour, A. J. Hobday and L. Bodrossy (2024). A marine heatwave drives significant shifts in pelagic microbiology. Communications Biology:
Kajtar, J. B., N. J. Holbrook, A. Lyth, A. J. Hobday, C. N. Mundy and S. C. Ugalde (2024). A stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index given climate change projections for fisheries and aquaculture. Climatic Change 17: 26:
Wernberg T, Thomsen MS, Baum JK, Bishop MJ, Bruno J, Coleman MA, Filbee-Dexter K, Gagnon K, He Q, Murdiyarso D, Rogers K, Silliman B, Smale DA, Starko S, Vanderklift MA (2024) Impacts of climate change on marine foundation species. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16 accepted 7/6/23. [].
Bass, A.V., Smith, K.E. and Smale, D.A., 2023. Marine heatwaves and decreased light availability interact to erode the ecophysiological performance of habitat‐forming kelp species. Journal of Phycology. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13332
Clemente KJE, Thomsen MS, Zimmerman RC. 2023. The vulnerability and resilience of seagrass ecosystems to marine heatwaves in New Zealand: a remote sensing analysis of seascape metrics using PlanetScope imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,
Fragkopoulou E, Costello MJ, Sen Gupta A, Wernberg T, Araújo MB, Serrão EA, De Clerck O, Assis J (2023). Marine biodiversity exposed to prolonged and intense subsurface heatwaves. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2023).
Gregory CH, NJ Holbrook, AG Marshall and CM Spillman, 2023: Atmospheric drivers of Tasman Sea marine heatwaves. Journal of Climate, 36, 5197-5214,
Hartog, J. R., C. M. Spillman, G. Smith and A. J. Hobday (2023). Forecasts of marine heatwaves for marine industries: reducing risk, building resilience and enhancing management responses. Deep Sea Research II:
Hobday, A. J., M. T. Burrows, K. Filbee-Dexter, N. J. Holbrook, A. S. Gupta, D. A. Smale, K. E. Smith, M. S. Thomsen and T. Wernberg (2023). With the arrival of El Niño, prepare for stronger marine heatwaves. Nature 621: 38-41 -
Montie S, Thomsen MS. 2023. Facilitation of animals is stronger during summer marine heatwaves and around morphologically complex foundation species. Ecology and Evolution, 17;13(9):e10512
Montie S, Thomsen MS. 2023. Long‐term community shifts driven by local extinction of an iconic foundation species following an extreme marine heatwave. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10235.
Montie S, Thoral F, Smith R, Cook F, Tait L, Pinkerton M, Schiel DR, Thomsen MS. 2023. Seasonal trends in marine heatwaves highlight vulnerable coastal ecoregions and historic change points in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research:1-26.
Ren X, W Liu, A Capotondi, DJ Amaya and NJ Holbrook, 2023: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulated marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific during past decades. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, Article number 218,
Sahin D, Schoepf V, Filbee-Dexter K, Thomson DP, Radford B & Wernberg T (2023) Heating rate explains species-specific coral bleaching severity during a simulated marine heatwave. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 706: 33-46. []
Sen Gupta, A., J. A. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, K. Filbee-Dexter, T. L. Frölicher, A. J. Hobday, N. J.
Holbrook, P. J. Moore, E. Oliver, D. A. Smale, K. E. Smith, M. Thomsen and T. Wernberg (2023). Marine heatwaves: definition duel heats up. Nature 617(465): doi:
Song S-Y, S-W Yeh, H Kim and NJ Holbrook (2023). Recent Arctic warming contributes to increase in Northeast Pacific marine heatwave days over the past decades. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, Article number 25,
Smith, K. E., M. T. Burrows, A. J. Hobday, N. G. King, P. J. Moore, A. S. Gupta, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2023). Biological impacts of marine heatwaves. Annual Review of Marine Science 15: 12.11–12.27
Wang Y, NJ Holbrook and JB Kajtar (2023). Predictability of marine heatwaves off Western Australia using a linear inverse model. Journal of Climate, 36, 6177-6193,
Watson, J. R., C. M. Spillman, L. R. Little, A. J. Hobday and P. S. Levin (2023). Ensuring resilience to marine climate shocks through insurance. ICES Journal of Marine Science:
Woehler, E. J. and A. J. Hobday (2023). Impacts of marine heatwaves may be mediated by seabirds’ life history strategies. Marine Ecology Progress Series:
Du, Y., M. Feng, Z. Xu, B.-s. Yin and A. J. Hobday (2022). Summer Marine heatwaves in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region. Remote Sensing 14(13): 10.3390/rs14132980
Feng, M., F. Boschetti, F. Ling, X. Zhang, J. R. Hartog, M. Akhtar, L. Shi, J.-J. Luo and A. J. Hobday (2022). Predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies at the eastern pole of the Indian Ocean Dipole - using a convolutional neural network model. Frontiers in Climate: DOI 10.3389/fclim.2022.925068.
Holbrook, N. J., V. Hernaman, S. Koshiba, J. Lako, J. B. Kajtar, P. Amos and A. Singh (2022). Impacts of marine heatwaves on tropical western and central Pacific Island nations and their communities. Global and Planetary Change 208, 103680:
Kajtar, J. B., S. D. Bachman, N. J. Holbrook and G. S. Pilo (2022). Drivers, dynamics, and persistence of the 2017/2018 Tasman Sea marine heatwave. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127: e2022JC018931.
Kajtar JB, V Hernaman, NJ Holbrook and P Petrelli (2022) Tropical western and central Pacific marine heatwave data calculated from gridded sea surface temperature observations and CMIP6. Data in Brief, 40, 107694,
Pathmeswaran, Charuni, Alex Sen Gupta, Sarah E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, and Melissa Anne Hart (2022) ‘Exploring Potential Links Between Co-Occurring Coastal Terrestrial and Marine Heatwaves in Australia’. Frontiers in Climate 4: 792730.
Straub SC, Wernberg T, Marzinelly EM, Vergés A, Kelaher BP, Coleman MA (2022) Persistence of seaweed forests in the Anthropocene will depend on warming and marine heatwave profiles. Journal of Phycology, 58: 22-35. []
Wang, Y., J. B. Kajtar, L. V. Alexander, G. S. Pilo and N. J. Holbrook (2022). Understanding the Changing Nature of Marine Cold-Spells. Geophysical Research Letters:
Zhao, Z., N. J. Holbrook and E. C. J. Oliver (2022). An eddy pathway to marine heatwave predictability off eastern Tasmania. Frontiers in Climate: 10.3389/fclim.2022.907828.
Alsuwaiyan NA, Vranken S, Filbee-Dexter K, Cambridge M, Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2021) Genotypic variation in response to extreme events may facilitate kelp adaptation under future climates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672: 111–121. []
Bass A, Wernberg T, Thomsen MS, Smale DA (2021) Another decade of marine climate change experiments: trends, progress and knowledge gaps. Frontiers in Marine Science: Global Change and the Future Ocean, 8: 714462. []
Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2021) A glass half full: solutions-oriented management under climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36:385-386. []
Holbrook NJ, DC Claar, AJ Hobday, KL McInnes, ECJ Oliver, A Sen Gupta, MJ Widlansky and X Zhang, (2021) ENSO-driven ocean extremes and their ecosystem impacts. Chapter 18 (pp 409-428) In: ENSO in a Changing Climate (Eds. MJ McPhaden, A Santoso and W Cai), American Geophysical Union (AGU), [ISBN: 978-1-119-54812-6].
Katjar, J. B., N. J. Holbrook and V. Hernaman (2021). A catalogue of marine heatwave metrics and trends for the Australian region. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 71: 284-302.
Oliver, E. C. J., J. A. Benthuysen, S. Darmaraki, M. G. Donat, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, R. W. Schlegel and A. Sen Gupta (2021). Marine Heatwaves. Annual Review of Marine Science. 13: 20.21–20.30
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver and K. Chen (2021), Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Atlantic: the role of air-sea interaction during onset and decline, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 627970, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.627970.
Schlegel, R. W., S. Darmaraki, J. A. Benthuysen., K. Filbee-Dexter and E. C. J. Oliver (2021), Marine cold-spells, Progress in Oceanography, 198, 102684, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102684.
Spillman, C. M., G. A. Smith, A. J. Hobday and J. R. Hartog (2021). Onset and decline rates of marine heatwaves: global trends, seasonal forecasts and marine management Frontiers in Climate:
Smith, K. E., M. T. Burrows, A. J. Hobday, A. S. Gupta, P. J. Moore, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2021). Socioeconomic impacts of marine heatwaves – global issues and opportunities. Science 374:
Su Z, GS Pilo, S Corney, NJ Holbrook, M Mori, P Ziegler, 2021: Characterising marine heatwaves in the Kerguelen Plateau region. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,
Tait LW, Thoral F, Pinkerton MH, Thomsen MS, Schiel DS. 2021. Loss of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, driven by marine heatwaves and exacerbated by poor water clarity in New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 1168
Thomsen MS, Mondardini L, Thoral F, Gerber D, Montie S, South PM, Tait L, Schiel DR. 2021 Cascading impacts of earthquakes and extreme heatwaves have destroyed populations of an iconic marine foundation species. Diversity and Distributions 27: 2369-2383
Wernberg T (2021) Marine heatwave drives collapse of kelp forests in Western Australia. In: Canadell JG, Jackson RB (eds) Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change. Ecological Studies 241, pp. 325-343. []
Wernberg T, Smale DA, Frölicher TL, Smith AJP (2021) Climate change increases marine heatwaves harming marine ecosystems. ScienceBrief 28/10/21.
Zarco-Perello S, Carroll G, Vanderklift MA, Holmes T, Langlois T, Wernberg T (2020) Range-extending tropical herbivores increase diversity, intensity and extent of herbivory functions in temperate marine ecosystems. Functional Ecology, 34: 2411-2421. [doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13662]
Benthuysen, J. A., E. C. J. Oliver, K. Chen and T. Wernberg (2020). Editorial: Advances in Understanding Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts. Frontiers in Marine Science:
Coleman MA, Minne AJP, Vranken S, Wernberg T (2020) Genetic tropicalisation following a marine heatwave. Scientific Reports, 10: 12726
Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2020) The silver lining of extreme events. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 1065-1067. [doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2020.08.013]
Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Grace SP, Thormar J, Fredriksen S, Narvaez CN, Feehan CJ, Norderhaug KM (2020) Marine heatwaves and the collapse of marginal North Atlantic kelp forests. Scientific Reports, 10: 13388
Gurgel CFD, Camacho O, Minne AJP, Wernberg T & Coleman MA (2020) Marine heatwave drives cryptic loss of genetic diversity in underwater forests. Current Biology, 30 (7):1199-1206.e2
Holbrook, N. J., A. S. Gupta, E. C. J. Oliver, A. J. Hobday, J. A. Benthuysen, H. A. Scannell, D. A. Smale and T. Wernberg (2020). Keeping Pace with Marine Heatwaves. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment:
Li, Z., N. J. Holbrook, X. Zhang, E. C. J. Oliver and E. A. Cougnon (2020), Remote forcing of Tasman Sea marine heatwaves, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0641.1.
Montie S, Thomsen MS, Rack W, Broady PA. 2020. Extreme summer marine heatwaves increase chlorophyll a in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 32: 508-509
Salinger JM, Diamond H, Behrens E, Fernandez D, Fitzharris B, Herold M. Johnstone P, Kerckhoffs H, Mullan B, Parker A, Renwick J, Schofield C, Siano A, Smith R, South P, Sutton PJ, Teixeira E, Thomsen MS, Trought M. 2020. Unparalleled coupled ocean-atmosphere summer heatwaves in the New Zealand region: drivers, mechanisms and impacts. Climatic Change 162: 485–506
Sen Gupta, A., M. Thomsen, J. A. Benthuysen, A. J. Hobday, L. V. Alexander, E. Oliver, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, M. Feng, N. Holbrook, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, P. J. Moore, R. Rodrigues, H. A. Scannell, A. S. Taschetto, C. C. Ummenhofer, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2020). Extreme Marine Heatwaves – the most intense, largest and longest events. Scientific Reports 10: 19359.
Babcock, R. C., R. H. Bustamante, E. A. Fulton, D. J. Fulton, M. D. E. Haywood, A. J. Hobday, R. Kenyon, R. J. Matear, E. Plaganyi, A. J. Richardson and M. Vanderklift (2019). Severe and extensive climate change impacts are happening now: Recent dieback of marine habitat forming communities along 40% of the Australian coast. Frontiers in Marine Science: doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00411.
Holbrook NJ, HA Scannell, A Sen Gupta, JA Benthuysen, M Feng, ECJ Oliver, LV Alexander, MT Burrows, MG Donat, AJ Hobday, PJ Moore, SE Perkins-Kirkpatrick, DA Smale, SC Straub and T Wernberg, 2019: A global assessment of marine heatwaves and their drivers. Nature Communications, 10, Article number 2624, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10206-z.
Mamo LT, Benkendorff K, Butcherine P, Coleman MA, Ewere EE, Miranda RJ, Wernberg T, Kelaher BP (2019) Resilience of a harvested gastropod, Turbo militaris, to marine heatwaves. Marine Environmental Research, 151: 104769.
Pilo G S-, NJ Holbrook, A Kiss and AMcC Hogg, 2019: Sensitivity of marine heatwave metrics to ocean model resolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, doi:10.1029/2019GL084928.
Oliver, E. C. J., Mean warming not variability drives marine heatwave trends, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-04707-2.
Oliver, E. C. J., M. Burrows, M. Donat, A. Sen Gupta, L. Alexander, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, J. Benthuysen, A. Hobday, N. Holbrook, P. Moore, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. Smale (2019), Projected marine heatwaves in the 21st century and the potential for ecological impact, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, pp. 734, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00734.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, A. J. Hobday and A. J. Smit (2019). Detecting marine heatwaves with sub-optimal data. Frontiers in Marine Science:
Smale, D., T. Wernberg, E. C. J. Oliver, M. Thomsen, B. Harvey, S. Straub, M. Burrows, L. Alexander, J. Benthuysen, M. Donat, M. Feng, A. Hobday, N. Holbrook, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, H. Scannell, A. Sen Gupta, B. Payne and P. Moore (2019), Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0412-1.
Straub, S. C., T. Wernberg, M. S. Thomsen, P. J. Moore, M. T. Burrows, B. P. Harvey and D. A. Smale (2019). Resistance, Extinction, and Everything in Between – The Diverse Responses of Seaweeds to Marine Heatwaves. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 763: doi: 710.3389/fmars.2019.00763.
Thomsen, M. S., L. Mondardini, T. Alestra, S. Gerrity, L. Tait, P. M. South, S. A. Lilley and D. R. Schiel (2019). Local Extinction of Bull Kelp (Durvillaea spp.) Due to a Marine Heatwave. Frontiers in Marine Science:
Benthuysen, J. A, E. C. J. Oliver, M. Feng and A. Marshall (2018), Extreme marine warming across tropical Australia during austral summer 2015-16, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123 (2), pp. 1301-1326, doi: 10.1002/2017JC013326.
Harris R, Beaumont L, Vance T, Tozer C, Remenyi T, Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, Mitchell P, Nicotra A, McGregor S, Andrew N, Letnic M, Kearney M, Wernberg T, Hutley L, Chambers L, Fletcher M-S, Keatley M, Woodward C, Williamson G, Duke N, Bowman D (2018) Biological responses to the ‘press’ and ‘pulse’ of climate trends and extreme events. Nature Climate Change, 8: 579-587. [doi: 10.1038/s41558-018-0187-9]
Hobday, A. J., E. C. J. Oliver, A. S. Gupta, J. A. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, N. J. Holbrook, P. J. Moore, M. S. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2018). Categorizing and Naming Marine Heatwaves. Oceanography 31(2):
Oliver, E. C. J., M. G. Donat, M. T. Burrows, P. J. Moore, D. A. Smale, L. V. Alexander, J. A. Benthuysen, M. Feng, A. Sen Gupta, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, H. A. Scannell, S. C. Straub and T. Wernberg (2018). Longer and more frequent marine heatwaves over the past century. Nature Communications, 9 (1324) doi:1310.1038/s41467-41018-03732-41469.
Oliver, E. C. J., V. Lago, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, S. D. Ling and C. N. Mundy (2018), Marine heatwaves off eastern Tasmania: Trends, interannual variability, and predictability, Progress in Oceanography, 161, pp. 116-130, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean/2018.02.007.
Ruthrof K, Breshears D, Fontaine J, Froend R, Matusick G, Kala J, Miller B, Mitchell P, Wilson S, van Keulen M, Enright N, Law D, Wernberg T, Hardy G (2018) Subcontinental heat wave triggers terrestrial and marine, multi-taxa responses. Scientific Reports, 8: 13094. [doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31236-5]
Wernberg, T., M. A. Coleman, S. Bennett, M. S. Thomsen, F. Tuya and B. P. Kelaher (2018). Genetic diversity and kelp forest vulnerability to climatic stress. Scientific Reports 8: 1851. DOI:1810.1038/s41598-41018-20009-41599.
Joint, I. & Smale, D. A. (2017) Marine heatwaves and optimal temperatures for microbial assemblage activity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (2): fiw243
Oliver, E. C. J., S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, N. J. Holbrook and N. L. Bindoff (2017), Anthropogenic and natural influences on record 2016 marine heatwaves [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bulletin of the Amerercan Meteorological Society, 98(12), S44–S48, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0093.1.
Oliver, E. C. J., J. A. Benthuysen, N. L. Bindoff, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, C. N. Mundy and S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick (2017), The unprecedented 2015/16 Tasman Sea marine heatwave, Nature Communications, 8, 16101, doi: 10.1038/ncomms16101.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, T. Wernberg and A. J. Smit (2017), Nearshore and offshore co-occurrence of marine heatwaves and cold-spells, Progress in Oceanography, 151, pp. 189-205, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.01.004.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, A. Kruger and A. J. Smit (2017), Predominant atmospheric and oceanic patterns during coastal marine heatwaves, Frontiers in Marine Science, 4:323, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00323.
Smale DA, Wernberg T, Vanderklift MA (2017) Regional-scale variability in the response of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages to a marine heatwave. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 568: 17-30. [doi: 10.3354/meps12080]
Tuckett CA, de Bettignies T, Fromont J, Wernberg T (2017) Expansion of corals on temperate reefs: direct and indirect effects of marine heatwaves. Coral Reefs, 36: 947–956.[doi: 10.1007/s00338-017-1586-5]
Zarco-Perello S, Wernberg T, Langlois T, Vanderklift MA (2017) Tropicalization strengthens consumer pressure on habitat-forming seaweeds. Scientific Reports, 7: 820. [doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00991-2]
Zhang, N., M. Feng, H. Hendon, A. J. Hobday and J. Zinke (2017). Opposite polarity of ENSO drives distinct patterns of coral bleaching potentials in the southeast Indian Ocean. Scientific Reports 7(2443): DOI:10.1038/s41598-41017-02688-y.
Hobday, A. J., L. V. Alexander, S. E. Perkins, D. A. Smale, S. C. Straub, E. C. J. Oliver, J. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, M. Feng, N. J. Holbrook, P. J. Moore, H. A. Scannell, A. S. Gupta and T. Wernberg (2016). A hierarchical approach to defining marine heatwaves. Progress in Oceanography: doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.1012.1014. Outcome of Workshop #1.
Wernberg, T., S. Bennett, R. C. Babcock, T. de Bettignies, K. Cure, M. Depczynski, F. Dufois, J. Fromont, C. J. Fulton, R. K. Hovey, E. S. Harvey, T. H. Holmes, G. A. Kendrick, B. Radford, J. Santana-Garcon, B. J. Saunders, D. A. Smale, M. S. Thomsen, C. A. Tuckett, F. Tuya, M. A. Vanderklift, and S. Wilson. 2016. Climate-driven regime shift of a temperate marine ecosystem. Science 353:169-172.
Bennett S, Wernberg T, Bijo AJ, de Bettignies T, Campbell AH (2015) Central and rear edge populations can be equally vulnerable to warming. Nature Communications, 6:10280. [doi: 10.1038/ncomms10280]
Benthuysen, J., Feng, M., & Zhong, L. (2014). Spatial patterns of warming off Western Australia during the 2011 Ningaloo Niño: quantifying impacts of remote and local forcing. Continental Shelf Research, 91, 232-246. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.09.014 video
Smale D.A. & Wernberg T. (2013) Extreme climatic event drives range contraction of a habitat-forming species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280: 20122829, doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.2829
Wernberg, T., D. A. Smale, F. Tuya, M. S. Thomsen, T. J. Langlois, T. de Bettignies, S. Bennett, and C. S. Rousseaux. 2013. An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot. Nature Climate Change 3:78–82.
Smale, D., and T. Wernberg. 2012. Ecological observations associated with an anomalous warming event at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Coral Reefs 31:441-441.
Richaud, B., X. Hu, S. Darmaraki, K. Fennel, Y. Lu and E. C. J. Oliver, Drivers of marine heatwaves in the Arctic Ocean, Journal of Geophysical Research, 129, e2023JC020324, doi: 10.1029/2023JC020324.
Brown, M. V., M. Ostrwoski, L. F. Messer, A. Bramucci, J. v. d. Kamp, M. C. Smith, A. Bissett, J. Seymour, A. J. Hobday and L. Bodrossy (2024). A marine heatwave drives significant shifts in pelagic microbiology. Communications Biology:
Kajtar, J. B., N. J. Holbrook, A. Lyth, A. J. Hobday, C. N. Mundy and S. C. Ugalde (2024). A stakeholder-guided marine heatwave hazard index given climate change projections for fisheries and aquaculture. Climatic Change 17: 26:
Wernberg T, Thomsen MS, Baum JK, Bishop MJ, Bruno J, Coleman MA, Filbee-Dexter K, Gagnon K, He Q, Murdiyarso D, Rogers K, Silliman B, Smale DA, Starko S, Vanderklift MA (2024) Impacts of climate change on marine foundation species. Annual Review of Marine Science, 16 accepted 7/6/23. [].
Bass, A.V., Smith, K.E. and Smale, D.A., 2023. Marine heatwaves and decreased light availability interact to erode the ecophysiological performance of habitat‐forming kelp species. Journal of Phycology. DOI: 10.1111/jpy.13332
Clemente KJE, Thomsen MS, Zimmerman RC. 2023. The vulnerability and resilience of seagrass ecosystems to marine heatwaves in New Zealand: a remote sensing analysis of seascape metrics using PlanetScope imagery. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation,
Fragkopoulou E, Costello MJ, Sen Gupta A, Wernberg T, Araújo MB, Serrão EA, De Clerck O, Assis J (2023). Marine biodiversity exposed to prolonged and intense subsurface heatwaves. Nat. Clim. Chang. (2023).
Gregory CH, NJ Holbrook, AG Marshall and CM Spillman, 2023: Atmospheric drivers of Tasman Sea marine heatwaves. Journal of Climate, 36, 5197-5214,
Hartog, J. R., C. M. Spillman, G. Smith and A. J. Hobday (2023). Forecasts of marine heatwaves for marine industries: reducing risk, building resilience and enhancing management responses. Deep Sea Research II:
Hobday, A. J., M. T. Burrows, K. Filbee-Dexter, N. J. Holbrook, A. S. Gupta, D. A. Smale, K. E. Smith, M. S. Thomsen and T. Wernberg (2023). With the arrival of El Niño, prepare for stronger marine heatwaves. Nature 621: 38-41 -
Montie S, Thomsen MS. 2023. Facilitation of animals is stronger during summer marine heatwaves and around morphologically complex foundation species. Ecology and Evolution, 17;13(9):e10512
Montie S, Thomsen MS. 2023. Long‐term community shifts driven by local extinction of an iconic foundation species following an extreme marine heatwave. Ecology and Evolution 13:e10235.
Montie S, Thoral F, Smith R, Cook F, Tait L, Pinkerton M, Schiel DR, Thomsen MS. 2023. Seasonal trends in marine heatwaves highlight vulnerable coastal ecoregions and historic change points in New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research:1-26.
Ren X, W Liu, A Capotondi, DJ Amaya and NJ Holbrook, 2023: The Pacific Decadal Oscillation modulated marine heatwaves in the Northeast Pacific during past decades. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, Article number 218,
Sahin D, Schoepf V, Filbee-Dexter K, Thomson DP, Radford B & Wernberg T (2023) Heating rate explains species-specific coral bleaching severity during a simulated marine heatwave. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 706: 33-46. []
Sen Gupta, A., J. A. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, K. Filbee-Dexter, T. L. Frölicher, A. J. Hobday, N. J.
Holbrook, P. J. Moore, E. Oliver, D. A. Smale, K. E. Smith, M. Thomsen and T. Wernberg (2023). Marine heatwaves: definition duel heats up. Nature 617(465): doi:
Song S-Y, S-W Yeh, H Kim and NJ Holbrook (2023). Recent Arctic warming contributes to increase in Northeast Pacific marine heatwave days over the past decades. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, Article number 25,
Smith, K. E., M. T. Burrows, A. J. Hobday, N. G. King, P. J. Moore, A. S. Gupta, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2023). Biological impacts of marine heatwaves. Annual Review of Marine Science 15: 12.11–12.27
Wang Y, NJ Holbrook and JB Kajtar (2023). Predictability of marine heatwaves off Western Australia using a linear inverse model. Journal of Climate, 36, 6177-6193,
Watson, J. R., C. M. Spillman, L. R. Little, A. J. Hobday and P. S. Levin (2023). Ensuring resilience to marine climate shocks through insurance. ICES Journal of Marine Science:
Woehler, E. J. and A. J. Hobday (2023). Impacts of marine heatwaves may be mediated by seabirds’ life history strategies. Marine Ecology Progress Series:
Du, Y., M. Feng, Z. Xu, B.-s. Yin and A. J. Hobday (2022). Summer Marine heatwaves in the Kuroshio-Oyashio Extension Region. Remote Sensing 14(13): 10.3390/rs14132980
Feng, M., F. Boschetti, F. Ling, X. Zhang, J. R. Hartog, M. Akhtar, L. Shi, J.-J. Luo and A. J. Hobday (2022). Predictability of sea surface temperature anomalies at the eastern pole of the Indian Ocean Dipole - using a convolutional neural network model. Frontiers in Climate: DOI 10.3389/fclim.2022.925068.
Holbrook, N. J., V. Hernaman, S. Koshiba, J. Lako, J. B. Kajtar, P. Amos and A. Singh (2022). Impacts of marine heatwaves on tropical western and central Pacific Island nations and their communities. Global and Planetary Change 208, 103680:
- In this study, we investigate marine heatwaves (MHWs) in the tropical western and central Pacific Ocean region, focusing on observed MHWs, their associated impacts, and future projections using Coupled Model Intercomparison Project phase 6 (CMIP6) simulations under a low (SSP1–2.6) and a high (SSP5–8.5) greenhouse gas emissions scenario.
Kajtar, J. B., S. D. Bachman, N. J. Holbrook and G. S. Pilo (2022). Drivers, dynamics, and persistence of the 2017/2018 Tasman Sea marine heatwave. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 127: e2022JC018931.
Kajtar JB, V Hernaman, NJ Holbrook and P Petrelli (2022) Tropical western and central Pacific marine heatwave data calculated from gridded sea surface temperature observations and CMIP6. Data in Brief, 40, 107694,
Pathmeswaran, Charuni, Alex Sen Gupta, Sarah E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, and Melissa Anne Hart (2022) ‘Exploring Potential Links Between Co-Occurring Coastal Terrestrial and Marine Heatwaves in Australia’. Frontiers in Climate 4: 792730.
Straub SC, Wernberg T, Marzinelly EM, Vergés A, Kelaher BP, Coleman MA (2022) Persistence of seaweed forests in the Anthropocene will depend on warming and marine heatwave profiles. Journal of Phycology, 58: 22-35. []
Wang, Y., J. B. Kajtar, L. V. Alexander, G. S. Pilo and N. J. Holbrook (2022). Understanding the Changing Nature of Marine Cold-Spells. Geophysical Research Letters:
Zhao, Z., N. J. Holbrook and E. C. J. Oliver (2022). An eddy pathway to marine heatwave predictability off eastern Tasmania. Frontiers in Climate: 10.3389/fclim.2022.907828.
Alsuwaiyan NA, Vranken S, Filbee-Dexter K, Cambridge M, Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2021) Genotypic variation in response to extreme events may facilitate kelp adaptation under future climates. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 672: 111–121. []
Bass A, Wernberg T, Thomsen MS, Smale DA (2021) Another decade of marine climate change experiments: trends, progress and knowledge gaps. Frontiers in Marine Science: Global Change and the Future Ocean, 8: 714462. []
Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2021) A glass half full: solutions-oriented management under climate change. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 36:385-386. []
Holbrook NJ, DC Claar, AJ Hobday, KL McInnes, ECJ Oliver, A Sen Gupta, MJ Widlansky and X Zhang, (2021) ENSO-driven ocean extremes and their ecosystem impacts. Chapter 18 (pp 409-428) In: ENSO in a Changing Climate (Eds. MJ McPhaden, A Santoso and W Cai), American Geophysical Union (AGU), [ISBN: 978-1-119-54812-6].
Katjar, J. B., N. J. Holbrook and V. Hernaman (2021). A catalogue of marine heatwave metrics and trends for the Australian region. Journal of Southern Hemisphere Earth Systems Science 71: 284-302.
Oliver, E. C. J., J. A. Benthuysen, S. Darmaraki, M. G. Donat, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, R. W. Schlegel and A. Sen Gupta (2021). Marine Heatwaves. Annual Review of Marine Science. 13: 20.21–20.30
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver and K. Chen (2021), Drivers of Marine Heatwaves in the Northwest Atlantic: the role of air-sea interaction during onset and decline, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 627970, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2021.627970.
Schlegel, R. W., S. Darmaraki, J. A. Benthuysen., K. Filbee-Dexter and E. C. J. Oliver (2021), Marine cold-spells, Progress in Oceanography, 198, 102684, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2021.102684.
Spillman, C. M., G. A. Smith, A. J. Hobday and J. R. Hartog (2021). Onset and decline rates of marine heatwaves: global trends, seasonal forecasts and marine management Frontiers in Climate:
- This study explores the global trends in marine heatwaves (MHWs), specifically onset and decline rates, two metrics which describe how quickly a MHW will emerge or disappear from a location. These rates determine the reaction window—the start of a MHW event to peak MHW temperatures—and the coping window—time from peak temperatures to the end of an event—two important time periods relevant to a marine decision-maker. We show that MHW onset and decline rates are fastest in dynamic ocean regions and that overall, the global trend in onset rate is greater than the global trend in decline rate. We map ocean regions where these rates are changing together with forecast skill from a seasonal dynamical model (ACCESS-S). This analysis highlights areas where the length of the preparation window for impending MHWs is increased by using forecasts, and areas where marine decision-makers should be prepared for rapid responses based on realtime observations as MHWs evolve.
Smith, K. E., M. T. Burrows, A. J. Hobday, A. S. Gupta, P. J. Moore, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2021). Socioeconomic impacts of marine heatwaves – global issues and opportunities. Science 374:
Su Z, GS Pilo, S Corney, NJ Holbrook, M Mori, P Ziegler, 2021: Characterising marine heatwaves in the Kerguelen Plateau region. Frontiers in Marine Science, 7,
Tait LW, Thoral F, Pinkerton MH, Thomsen MS, Schiel DS. 2021. Loss of giant kelp, Macrocystis pyrifera, driven by marine heatwaves and exacerbated by poor water clarity in New Zealand. Frontiers in Marine Science 8: 1168
Thomsen MS, Mondardini L, Thoral F, Gerber D, Montie S, South PM, Tait L, Schiel DR. 2021 Cascading impacts of earthquakes and extreme heatwaves have destroyed populations of an iconic marine foundation species. Diversity and Distributions 27: 2369-2383
Wernberg T (2021) Marine heatwave drives collapse of kelp forests in Western Australia. In: Canadell JG, Jackson RB (eds) Ecosystem Collapse and Climate Change. Ecological Studies 241, pp. 325-343. []
Wernberg T, Smale DA, Frölicher TL, Smith AJP (2021) Climate change increases marine heatwaves harming marine ecosystems. ScienceBrief 28/10/21.
Zarco-Perello S, Carroll G, Vanderklift MA, Holmes T, Langlois T, Wernberg T (2020) Range-extending tropical herbivores increase diversity, intensity and extent of herbivory functions in temperate marine ecosystems. Functional Ecology, 34: 2411-2421. [doi: 10.1111/1365-2435.13662]
Benthuysen, J. A., E. C. J. Oliver, K. Chen and T. Wernberg (2020). Editorial: Advances in Understanding Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts. Frontiers in Marine Science:
- An introduction to 23 papers published in a special issue of Frontiers in Marine Science. Research Topic: Advances in Understanding Marine Heatwaves and Their Impacts. Access all papers here
Coleman MA, Minne AJP, Vranken S, Wernberg T (2020) Genetic tropicalisation following a marine heatwave. Scientific Reports, 10: 12726
Coleman MA, Wernberg T (2020) The silver lining of extreme events. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 35: 1065-1067. [doi: 10.1016/j.tree.2020.08.013]
Filbee-Dexter K, Wernberg T, Grace SP, Thormar J, Fredriksen S, Narvaez CN, Feehan CJ, Norderhaug KM (2020) Marine heatwaves and the collapse of marginal North Atlantic kelp forests. Scientific Reports, 10: 13388
Gurgel CFD, Camacho O, Minne AJP, Wernberg T & Coleman MA (2020) Marine heatwave drives cryptic loss of genetic diversity in underwater forests. Current Biology, 30 (7):1199-1206.e2
Holbrook, N. J., A. S. Gupta, E. C. J. Oliver, A. J. Hobday, J. A. Benthuysen, H. A. Scannell, D. A. Smale and T. Wernberg (2020). Keeping Pace with Marine Heatwaves. Nature Reviews Earth & Environment:
Li, Z., N. J. Holbrook, X. Zhang, E. C. J. Oliver and E. A. Cougnon (2020), Remote forcing of Tasman Sea marine heatwaves, Journal of Climate, doi: 10.1175/JCLI-D-19-0641.1.
Montie S, Thomsen MS, Rack W, Broady PA. 2020. Extreme summer marine heatwaves increase chlorophyll a in the Southern Ocean. Antarctic Science 32: 508-509
Salinger JM, Diamond H, Behrens E, Fernandez D, Fitzharris B, Herold M. Johnstone P, Kerckhoffs H, Mullan B, Parker A, Renwick J, Schofield C, Siano A, Smith R, South P, Sutton PJ, Teixeira E, Thomsen MS, Trought M. 2020. Unparalleled coupled ocean-atmosphere summer heatwaves in the New Zealand region: drivers, mechanisms and impacts. Climatic Change 162: 485–506
Sen Gupta, A., M. Thomsen, J. A. Benthuysen, A. J. Hobday, L. V. Alexander, E. Oliver, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, M. Feng, N. Holbrook, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, P. J. Moore, R. Rodrigues, H. A. Scannell, A. S. Taschetto, C. C. Ummenhofer, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2020). Extreme Marine Heatwaves – the most intense, largest and longest events. Scientific Reports 10: 19359.
Babcock, R. C., R. H. Bustamante, E. A. Fulton, D. J. Fulton, M. D. E. Haywood, A. J. Hobday, R. Kenyon, R. J. Matear, E. Plaganyi, A. J. Richardson and M. Vanderklift (2019). Severe and extensive climate change impacts are happening now: Recent dieback of marine habitat forming communities along 40% of the Australian coast. Frontiers in Marine Science: doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00411.
Holbrook NJ, HA Scannell, A Sen Gupta, JA Benthuysen, M Feng, ECJ Oliver, LV Alexander, MT Burrows, MG Donat, AJ Hobday, PJ Moore, SE Perkins-Kirkpatrick, DA Smale, SC Straub and T Wernberg, 2019: A global assessment of marine heatwaves and their drivers. Nature Communications, 10, Article number 2624, doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10206-z.
Mamo LT, Benkendorff K, Butcherine P, Coleman MA, Ewere EE, Miranda RJ, Wernberg T, Kelaher BP (2019) Resilience of a harvested gastropod, Turbo militaris, to marine heatwaves. Marine Environmental Research, 151: 104769.
Pilo G S-, NJ Holbrook, A Kiss and AMcC Hogg, 2019: Sensitivity of marine heatwave metrics to ocean model resolution. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, doi:10.1029/2019GL084928.
Oliver, E. C. J., Mean warming not variability drives marine heatwave trends, Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-019-04707-2.
Oliver, E. C. J., M. Burrows, M. Donat, A. Sen Gupta, L. Alexander, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, J. Benthuysen, A. Hobday, N. Holbrook, P. Moore, M. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. Smale (2019), Projected marine heatwaves in the 21st century and the potential for ecological impact, Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, pp. 734, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2019.00734.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, A. J. Hobday and A. J. Smit (2019). Detecting marine heatwaves with sub-optimal data. Frontiers in Marine Science:
Smale, D., T. Wernberg, E. C. J. Oliver, M. Thomsen, B. Harvey, S. Straub, M. Burrows, L. Alexander, J. Benthuysen, M. Donat, M. Feng, A. Hobday, N. Holbrook, S. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, H. Scannell, A. Sen Gupta, B. Payne and P. Moore (2019), Marine heatwaves threaten global biodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services, Nature Climate Change, doi: 10.1038/s41558-019-0412-1.
Straub, S. C., T. Wernberg, M. S. Thomsen, P. J. Moore, M. T. Burrows, B. P. Harvey and D. A. Smale (2019). Resistance, Extinction, and Everything in Between – The Diverse Responses of Seaweeds to Marine Heatwaves. Frontiers in Marine Science 6: 763: doi: 710.3389/fmars.2019.00763.
Thomsen, M. S., L. Mondardini, T. Alestra, S. Gerrity, L. Tait, P. M. South, S. A. Lilley and D. R. Schiel (2019). Local Extinction of Bull Kelp (Durvillaea spp.) Due to a Marine Heatwave. Frontiers in Marine Science:
Benthuysen, J. A, E. C. J. Oliver, M. Feng and A. Marshall (2018), Extreme marine warming across tropical Australia during austral summer 2015-16, Journal of Geophysical Research, 123 (2), pp. 1301-1326, doi: 10.1002/2017JC013326.
Harris R, Beaumont L, Vance T, Tozer C, Remenyi T, Perkins-Kirkpatrick S, Mitchell P, Nicotra A, McGregor S, Andrew N, Letnic M, Kearney M, Wernberg T, Hutley L, Chambers L, Fletcher M-S, Keatley M, Woodward C, Williamson G, Duke N, Bowman D (2018) Biological responses to the ‘press’ and ‘pulse’ of climate trends and extreme events. Nature Climate Change, 8: 579-587. [doi: 10.1038/s41558-018-0187-9]
Hobday, A. J., E. C. J. Oliver, A. S. Gupta, J. A. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, N. J. Holbrook, P. J. Moore, M. S. Thomsen, T. Wernberg and D. A. Smale (2018). Categorizing and Naming Marine Heatwaves. Oceanography 31(2):
Oliver, E. C. J., M. G. Donat, M. T. Burrows, P. J. Moore, D. A. Smale, L. V. Alexander, J. A. Benthuysen, M. Feng, A. Sen Gupta, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, H. A. Scannell, S. C. Straub and T. Wernberg (2018). Longer and more frequent marine heatwaves over the past century. Nature Communications, 9 (1324) doi:1310.1038/s41467-41018-03732-41469.
Oliver, E. C. J., V. Lago, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, S. D. Ling and C. N. Mundy (2018), Marine heatwaves off eastern Tasmania: Trends, interannual variability, and predictability, Progress in Oceanography, 161, pp. 116-130, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean/2018.02.007.
Ruthrof K, Breshears D, Fontaine J, Froend R, Matusick G, Kala J, Miller B, Mitchell P, Wilson S, van Keulen M, Enright N, Law D, Wernberg T, Hardy G (2018) Subcontinental heat wave triggers terrestrial and marine, multi-taxa responses. Scientific Reports, 8: 13094. [doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31236-5]
Wernberg, T., M. A. Coleman, S. Bennett, M. S. Thomsen, F. Tuya and B. P. Kelaher (2018). Genetic diversity and kelp forest vulnerability to climatic stress. Scientific Reports 8: 1851. DOI:1810.1038/s41598-41018-20009-41599.
Joint, I. & Smale, D. A. (2017) Marine heatwaves and optimal temperatures for microbial assemblage activity. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 93 (2): fiw243
Oliver, E. C. J., S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, N. J. Holbrook and N. L. Bindoff (2017), Anthropogenic and natural influences on record 2016 marine heatwaves [in “Explaining Extreme Events of 2016 from a Climate Perspective”]. Bulletin of the Amerercan Meteorological Society, 98(12), S44–S48, doi: 10.1175/BAMS-D-17-0093.1.
Oliver, E. C. J., J. A. Benthuysen, N. L. Bindoff, A. J. Hobday, N. J. Holbrook, C. N. Mundy and S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick (2017), The unprecedented 2015/16 Tasman Sea marine heatwave, Nature Communications, 8, 16101, doi: 10.1038/ncomms16101.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, T. Wernberg and A. J. Smit (2017), Nearshore and offshore co-occurrence of marine heatwaves and cold-spells, Progress in Oceanography, 151, pp. 189-205, doi: 10.1016/j.pocean.2017.01.004.
Schlegel, R. W., E. C. J. Oliver, S. E. Perkins-Kirkpatrick, A. Kruger and A. J. Smit (2017), Predominant atmospheric and oceanic patterns during coastal marine heatwaves, Frontiers in Marine Science, 4:323, doi: 10.3389/fmars.2017.00323.
Smale DA, Wernberg T, Vanderklift MA (2017) Regional-scale variability in the response of benthic macroinvertebrate assemblages to a marine heatwave. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 568: 17-30. [doi: 10.3354/meps12080]
Tuckett CA, de Bettignies T, Fromont J, Wernberg T (2017) Expansion of corals on temperate reefs: direct and indirect effects of marine heatwaves. Coral Reefs, 36: 947–956.[doi: 10.1007/s00338-017-1586-5]
Zarco-Perello S, Wernberg T, Langlois T, Vanderklift MA (2017) Tropicalization strengthens consumer pressure on habitat-forming seaweeds. Scientific Reports, 7: 820. [doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-00991-2]
Zhang, N., M. Feng, H. Hendon, A. J. Hobday and J. Zinke (2017). Opposite polarity of ENSO drives distinct patterns of coral bleaching potentials in the southeast Indian Ocean. Scientific Reports 7(2443): DOI:10.1038/s41598-41017-02688-y.
Hobday, A. J., L. V. Alexander, S. E. Perkins, D. A. Smale, S. C. Straub, E. C. J. Oliver, J. Benthuysen, M. T. Burrows, M. G. Donat, M. Feng, N. J. Holbrook, P. J. Moore, H. A. Scannell, A. S. Gupta and T. Wernberg (2016). A hierarchical approach to defining marine heatwaves. Progress in Oceanography: doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2015.1012.1014. Outcome of Workshop #1.
Wernberg, T., S. Bennett, R. C. Babcock, T. de Bettignies, K. Cure, M. Depczynski, F. Dufois, J. Fromont, C. J. Fulton, R. K. Hovey, E. S. Harvey, T. H. Holmes, G. A. Kendrick, B. Radford, J. Santana-Garcon, B. J. Saunders, D. A. Smale, M. S. Thomsen, C. A. Tuckett, F. Tuya, M. A. Vanderklift, and S. Wilson. 2016. Climate-driven regime shift of a temperate marine ecosystem. Science 353:169-172.
Bennett S, Wernberg T, Bijo AJ, de Bettignies T, Campbell AH (2015) Central and rear edge populations can be equally vulnerable to warming. Nature Communications, 6:10280. [doi: 10.1038/ncomms10280]
Benthuysen, J., Feng, M., & Zhong, L. (2014). Spatial patterns of warming off Western Australia during the 2011 Ningaloo Niño: quantifying impacts of remote and local forcing. Continental Shelf Research, 91, 232-246. doi:10.1016/j.csr.2014.09.014 video
Smale D.A. & Wernberg T. (2013) Extreme climatic event drives range contraction of a habitat-forming species. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 280: 20122829, doi:10.1098/rspb.2012.2829
Wernberg, T., D. A. Smale, F. Tuya, M. S. Thomsen, T. J. Langlois, T. de Bettignies, S. Bennett, and C. S. Rousseaux. 2013. An extreme climatic event alters marine ecosystem structure in a global biodiversity hotspot. Nature Climate Change 3:78–82.
Smale, D., and T. Wernberg. 2012. Ecological observations associated with an anomalous warming event at the Houtman Abrolhos Islands, Western Australia. Coral Reefs 31:441-441.
Ocean heating breaks record, again, with disastrous outcomes for the planet ( - (30 January 2024)
Listen to Professor Pippa Moore from Newcastle University discuss the impacts of marine heatwaves (2023)
Amandine Schaeffer, Alex Sen Gupta, Moniya Roughan (2023) Marine heatwaves don’t just hit coral reefs. They can cause chaos on the seafloor. The Conversation (September 4, 2023).
Thomsen MS, Montie S, Gerber D, Thoral F, South PM, Tait L, Wernberg T, Smale D, Schiel DR. 2021. Impacts of marine heatwaves: what are they, what have they done and what can we expect in the future? Coastal News 76: 3-6
Smale DA, Wernberg T (2019). Suffering in the heat: The rise in marine heatwaves is harming ocean species. The Conversation 5/3/19.
Hobday, A. J. (2018). Why We Need to Start Categorizing Marine Heatwaves Like Hurricanes. Oceans Deeply. Online July 17, 2018.
Oliver, E.C.J., A. Hobday, D. Smale, N. J. Holbrook and T. Wernberg (30 May 2018), Marine heatwaves are getting hotter, lasting longer and doing more damage. The Conversation,
Bennett, S., Santana-Garcon, J., Wernberg, T. (July 8, 2016), A marine heatwave has wiped out a swathe of WA’s undersea kelp forest. The Conversation,
Hobday, A. J., E. C. J. Oliver, J. McDonald, M. Grose (April 19, 2016), Was Tasmania’s summer of fires and floods a glimpse of its climate future?, The Conversation,
Wernberg, T. & Smale, D. A. (February 5, 2015), Marine heatwaves threaten the future of underwater forests. The Conversation,
Listen to Professor Pippa Moore from Newcastle University discuss the impacts of marine heatwaves (2023)
Amandine Schaeffer, Alex Sen Gupta, Moniya Roughan (2023) Marine heatwaves don’t just hit coral reefs. They can cause chaos on the seafloor. The Conversation (September 4, 2023).
Thomsen MS, Montie S, Gerber D, Thoral F, South PM, Tait L, Wernberg T, Smale D, Schiel DR. 2021. Impacts of marine heatwaves: what are they, what have they done and what can we expect in the future? Coastal News 76: 3-6
Smale DA, Wernberg T (2019). Suffering in the heat: The rise in marine heatwaves is harming ocean species. The Conversation 5/3/19.
Hobday, A. J. (2018). Why We Need to Start Categorizing Marine Heatwaves Like Hurricanes. Oceans Deeply. Online July 17, 2018.
Oliver, E.C.J., A. Hobday, D. Smale, N. J. Holbrook and T. Wernberg (30 May 2018), Marine heatwaves are getting hotter, lasting longer and doing more damage. The Conversation,
Bennett, S., Santana-Garcon, J., Wernberg, T. (July 8, 2016), A marine heatwave has wiped out a swathe of WA’s undersea kelp forest. The Conversation,
Hobday, A. J., E. C. J. Oliver, J. McDonald, M. Grose (April 19, 2016), Was Tasmania’s summer of fires and floods a glimpse of its climate future?, The Conversation,
Wernberg, T. & Smale, D. A. (February 5, 2015), Marine heatwaves threaten the future of underwater forests. The Conversation,
DAta sets
Oliver, E. C. J., V. Lago, N. J. Holbrook, S. D. Ling, C. N. Mundy, A. J. Hobday (2017), Eastern Tasmania Marine Heatwave Atlas, Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania. doi: 10.4226/77/587e97d9b2bf9.